It has been a constant endeavor on the part of the CSDCI to create a pool of Quality trainers and Assessors through the training program. CSDCI intends to have a pool of CSDCI Certified Master Trainers and Master Assessors. Hence, we look forward to empanelment of the MASTER TRAINER in various job roles/trades at different NSQF levels having adequate academic, Professional, and industry experience,
who can contribute to conducting sessions in TOT and TOA programs.
Launch Of AV Pilot Series
Construction Skill Development Council of India (CSDCI) launched Prayas – an awareness campaign driving the importance of ‘Skills’ in an individual’s life especially targeting the frontline construction workforce on ‘World Youth Day’ i.e. 15th July 2022.
The campaign highlights the answers to-
Why it is important for any individual to understand the importance of ‘Skill’ in his / her life?
Why it is important in today’s context to ‘Own a Qualified Skill Set’?
How does ‘Owning a Skill Set’ which is in demand would relieve an individual from the daily worries of earning his/ her livelihood?
RFP for “Monthly Magazine/Booklet”
The objective of this RFP is to develop the structure for the monthly magazine which is impactful, and suits both digital and paper media is appropriately branded content will be given by the Construction Skill development council of India (hereinafter referred to as CSDCI) on a monthly basis.
The invitation of the RFP intends to define the scope, criteria, and details of the work.
RFP for the development of QP’s
The objective of this RFP is to carry out occupational mapping, functional analysis, and development of a Qualification pack for NSQF-aligned job roles.
The invitation of the RFP intends to define the scope, criteria, and details of the work.
to read more. The last date for submission is 22 Aug 2022.
Allocation of phase 1 targets to the selected TPs in “RPL Pilot at Varanasi and Chandauli under SANKALP”
An EOI was published on CSDCI’s website on 25th Sep 2020. The interests were accepted via the online link of a form, present in the EOI. The information of the shortlisted organizations was published on CSDCI’s website.
The 4 shortlisted organizations participated in the target allocation meeting and were allotted phase 1 targets, as per attachment.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) training under Utkarsh Bangla or any other Scheme(s) as per the guidelines of PBSSD in the State of West Bengal
Please be informed that PBSSD invites online proposals from the Quality Training Providers for implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) training under Utkarsh Bangla or any other Scheme(s) as per the guidelines of PBSSD in the State of West Bengal. The detailed RFP documents can be downloaded from the following link from 10 am on 13.10.2020.
Enclosed herewith is the notice regarding RFP issued by UP Skill Development Mission for empanelment of Training Partners for implementing Uttar Pradesh Skill Development programme.
Notice Inviting Application
Jal Jeevan Mission is implementing Recognition of prior learning (RPL) in mission mode with a target of training the youth of Assam in the Financial Year 2020-21 in Mason General, Assistant Electrician and Plumber (General).
For more details
Webinar on Skill Development
Greetings from the ASSOCHAM !
In the digital age, the education sector has seen a proliferation of mobile apps and online learning platforms vying with traditional ways of teaching and of dissemination of knowledge.
On behalf of the ASSOCHAM, we cordially invite your active participation along with your colleagues and friends for this important & timely Discussion.
RFP for Engagement of legal consultant
CSDCI invites proposal from eligible, reputed entities for engagement of legal consultant.
Please click here to read more .
Interested Legal firms are requested to submit the following by 20th Dec 2020.