Builders, highway unions join to train 3.5 lakh in construction sector(

Stipend of `10,000 will be paid to workers under CSDC
As companies find hiring skilled labours difficult even for the existing projects, builders and highways associations under Construction Skills Development Council (CSDC) have come together to train and certify around 3.5 lakh workforce in the construction sector over the next one year. The trainees would also get atleast Rs 10,000 as stipend to help them pay training fees and look after their living while being trained.

We needs to employ 300 million people in the next 20 years. US employs around 135 million people, “even if we forget the prosperity we need to employ that many people it would require that much investment and the skills to take up the job. That is where the skill development exercise would help the firms and the workers together,” said Gulabchand chairman HCC.

To begin with, six skills —masonry, carpentry, bar bending & fixing, scaffolding, surveying and assistant laboratory technicians —have been identified for training on urgent basis. The skills under the programme for certification are expected to increase to around 500 in the construction segment alone. “We will work jointly with large private companies and institutions to devise industry-based curriculum, set training standards, offer good quality vocational training, and provide industry-endorsed certification.

The government of India has planned an investment of $1 trillion in the infrastructure sector in its 12th five year plan. The construction sector needs to build capacity and hence it is important to train and up skill manpower. The training would take care of requirements within the real estate, residential, commercial, and industrial and SEZ sector. In the infrastructure arena, utilities like power and irrigation, urban infrastructure, and transportation, railways, civil aviation, roadways, and ports would be catered.

“The certificate would clearly outline the productivity of the worker and how much they are capable of producing, which would help the employers to hire them as per their need. The trainee would undergo set number of hours of training and would be assessed by the third party before they are certified by CSDC. The training increases the productivity and fetches better salary for the workers at a time when construction activity and labour has definitely seen a degrowth,” said Gulabchand.

“It helps workers to prepare for bad times and increase their value to employers we have experienced from current training activities,” said Ajit Gulabchand of HCC.


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